Eye Health and Sport Safety

Eye Health and Sport Safety

Summer is nearly here, and kids are excited to go out and play! But with this, we need to ensure that their eyes and vision are kept safe. Eye injuries are a major cause of vision loss in children. In fact, some sports place your child’s eye safety at higher risk than...
Signs of Vision Problems in Children

Signs of Vision Problems in Children

Vision problems are common in children, but it’s not always easy to tell if there is an issue. Children may not be able to communicate that they are having trouble seeing clearly, or they may assume that everyone sees the world the same way they do. However, if left...
When to Start Myopia Management

When to Start Myopia Management

As parents, we always want what’s best for our kids. We take them to the doctor, make sure they eat healthy, and encourage them to stay active. But one thing we often overlook is their eyesight. Many vision problems start at an early age, including myopia. While...